Some sights are incredible to see from the perspective of a kayak. However, you may not have much or any experience with kayaking, making you hesitate to go on your own. After finding a place you want to kayak, you must decide how your kayaking experience will go. A guided tour is worth prioritizing because it will have a few advantages over going on your own.

Local Wildlife

You will likely see local wildlife, whether you are kayaking in a lake, river, or ocean. However, you may not know where to look to find the most wildlife or how to find specific animals. A guided tour is so useful because the tour guide can lead people to the best wildlife-spotting locations.

Another way that a guide can boost your experience is through all the information they know and share about the local wildlife. Learning about the history of certain animals and unique facts gives you information to share with your family and friends after you finish your trip. 


Being cautious and prepared on a kayak trip will help you avoid emergencies. However, you will appreciate being with a professional who can guide anyone and everyone during such events.

Certain areas may have currents, shallow rocks, or overgrown plants that you want to avoid getting close to because they can lead to an emergency. A tour guide will ensure everyone stays away from these problematic areas by guiding people through safer areas.

Dealing with kayak malfunctions on your own can cause stress and panic on the water. Going with a group and a guide will ensure kayak malfunctions are taken care of swiftly and safely.


Taking photos and videos while on a kayak trip is something you may want to do. Inexperience with kayaking and the area can make finding the best capture spots tough. A kayak tour can be a perfect solution because a guide will bring people to idyllic spots for photos and videos.


The kayaking you want to do may involve going down a river stream. This kayak trip would require you to get out of the water downriver and find a way back up. An easy way to avoid this problem is by going on a guided tour that comes with transportation. Not traveling back to your car on your own after a long kayak journey will make for a more enjoyable experience.

Prioritize a guided tour to guarantee an incredible experience as a novice kayaker.
